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The Kicker!
Enjoy A 60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee - no brainer, no risk!

That's twice as good as any other Google Ads course out there, and that's how confident I am this will work for you. This course will level up your current Google Ads game by miles, guaranteed.

This is what you will learn

You will learn these important strategies and techniques + much much more!
Setting the correct bidding strategies in the right sequence (vital), to maximize output of leads or sales and to avoid wasting money or potentially even killing your campaigns.
Take control of your account and stop listening to Google reps, who we know by now, are just looking to bump up your ad budget, not giving any thought or dedication to your business goals.
No more "updated for 20XX" bullshit with outdated course material from 2015. Only new, up to date videos with the latest strategies and techniques from industry experts.
Internet connection, a computer, smartphone or tablet with sound and a good bunch of eagerness to learn is all you need to start.
iPhone mockup
Learn how to correctly structure your campaigns to target highly lucrative traffic waiting in line RIGHT NOW to buy your services or products.
Learn our "Clicksmasters"-way of creating search campaigns to maximize the ROI of your campaigns.
The secret tips and strategies for location targeting of local service businesses and eCommerce's that only giants like Walmart uses. Now available to you.
How to create a Performance Max campaign for best success, and avoid the trap of using "audience signals" for targeting.
And much, much more!

Who is this course fOR?

These are the kind of people this course have helped.
Freelancers - wanting to start a new career offering Google Ads marketing services, or just widen your marketing skillset to offer more services ultimately generate more revenue
Business Owners - looking for a reliable tool to generate more leads and sales to ultimately grow the business.
Smaller Businesses - needing a cheaper option than hiring an agency to run Google Ads for them. With this course you can easily run Google Ads yourself.
Larger Businesses - wanting more in-house skills so you can do better quality control of the agencies or freelancers you hire to manage Google Ads for you.
Marketers - looking to up their skill level for Google Ads to become more competitive in the marketplace or offer a wider service portfolio.
Side Hustlers - wanting to earn an extra income next to their 9-5 managing Google Ads accounts for clients and helping them achieve great results.
eCommerce Owners - Looking for more sales and more advanced ecommerce strategies for Google Ads to ultimately scale revenue.

Who is this Course NOT for?

Advanced / Complex Topics - This course is designed to take you from a beginner to PRO. However if you're a long vetted expert in Google Ads, you probably don't need this course.
Free Meals - You get what you pay for, just that simple. This is a quality course with actionable frameworks and guides that drive results. If you're looking for a free meal, this is not the place. With that said, a "bargain" is relative to the value it provides and this course is for sure going to 10, 20 30x your investment into it.

Don't take My word for it

Here's what my students think

Why this Google ads course is crushing all other courses.

How do we stand against the competition?
Latest Google Ads Interface
High Quality Videos
Real Account Examples
Full Course Support
Lifetime Course Updates
Live Screen Shares
No Hidden Fees

Meet your teacher

I've managed Google Ads accounts for a better part of a decade soon. I've seen a lot, tried a lot, tested a lot and done some amazing things for other businesses and freelancers.

My Google Ads journey began as part of an earlier career in retail, but switching lanes to run my own business. I decided to use $20,000 of my own money to generate and grow my own business. Which went very well.

So I decided to offer and sell my services to other businesses which quite recently resulted in generating millions worth of proposals for a client. That's a unicorn example, so don't get too excited about it (haha).

So for the last 6-7 years I've been helping businesses grow and scale using Google Ads. Now in recent times, I've decided to pack my knowledge into a course and community to offer other people and to help them start a new career or simply improve their current business marketing.

I'm certain you will enjoy this course ❤️
Johan Carlberger
Head Coach

Let's have a look inside the course.

This is just a sneak peak on what you're about to uncover inside!

Learn how and when you should use smart bidding to leverage AI & machine learning.

To really push your performance to the next level, you need to utilize conversion based strategies. This course will teach you all about them and how to apply them.
Take advantage of Google's internal 1st party data to maximise your ROI with conversion based bidding strategies.
Teach your campaign what conversions ACTUALLY generates business value, and get more of that.
Learn when you should apply targets to your conversion based bidding strategies to maximize ROI and be able to scale for even more revenue

keywords - how they work, and how to use them

Get to know keyword match types, negative keywords and how the wrong structure could mean the difference between success or failure for your campaign.
Use negative keywords to reduce the noise in your search terms and only show ads for the best searches.
Why SKAGs (Single Keyword Ad Groups) is no longer viable as a strategy in the long term.
Learn the "clicksmasters"-strategy of how to structure campaigns and leverage Google's AI & Machine Learning to maximize ROI.

learn the keys to effective location targeting

Leveraging your "catchment"-area as a local business is crucial to push ads for the right people. Giants like Walmart use these techniques all the time, now you can too.
Why targeting with a radius is a last resort.
Learn how to think and put yourself in the customer's shoes.
Location targeting for both local service businesses and eCommerce.

Don't take My word for it

Here's what my students think

Course Modules

Welcome to everything you need to learn google Ads for your business

Introduction to Google Ads

Learn the basics of Google and Google Ads.

Campaign Types

What are the different campaign types available? Here's you will get an insight into that.

New Interface Walkthrough

Full walkthrough of the new interface + tips and tricks a long the way to fully familiarize yourself with everything.

Bidding Strategies

One of the most comprehensive and most important lessons. Learn exactly how bidding strategies work and when to apply them.


All there is to learn about keywords. Learn the difference between "match"-types and why it's crucial to do search term audits.

Location Targeting

The most optimal way to target your customers depending on the size of your business.

Search Campaigns

In-depth module on search campaigns, the meat and potatoes of Google Ads campaigns.

Performance Max Campaigns

Everything you need to know about PMAx, Google's new flagship "one ring to rule them all"-campaign type.

Google Ads for eCommerce

In-depth and advanced eCommerce campaign structures for better scaling and profits.

Ad Copy Split Testing

Proper ad copy split testing is essential for improving your ads to ultimately getting more clicks and mor potential customers to your site.

Writing Killer Ads

Learn the fundamentals of writing really good ads and what they need to contain to get those clicks.

Optimization Checklist

An entire separate course actually with our optimization checklist, a full checklist with all the different optimizations you need to perform and when.
. . . and many more lessons Being Released
Dashboard mockup

The Kicker!
Enjoy A 60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee - no brainer, no risk!

That's twice as good as any other Google Ads course out there, and that's how confident I am this will work for you. This course will level up your current Google Ads game by miles, guaranteed.


NOW ONLY = $15

This is what you get inside the course. . .
Learn everything you need to successfully use Google Ads to get more leads and sales for your business.
How to create and optimize campaigns to lower the lead costs and increase return on ad spend
How to target your local area just like the giants like Walmart do and how to put yourself in the customer shoes.
Up to date HD video content so no "updated for 2024" bull*hit with content from 2015.
Fire your agency and start managing your ads yourself using only a couple of hours every month. Imagine the money you save?
What bidding strategy you should use and when (this is vital and 9 out of 10 get it wrong)
Enjoy the course with a 60-day 100% Money Back Guarantee no questions asked. That's how confident I am this course will supercharge your marketing engine.

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for below? Click below to ask a question
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yeah I offer you a really competitive 60-day 100% refund if you're unsatisified with the course. That's twice as good as any other Google Ads course out there, and that's how confident I am this will work for you. This course will level up your current Google Ads game by miles, guaranteed.
How quickly can I see results with this course?
The course is designed to "cut the crap" and show you the concepts and strategies that will generate you results as quick as possible. A lot boils down to your commitment and how much dedication you put into learning what is taught in the course. You're the only limiting factor here.
How many hours do I need to invest in this course?
Depending on your skillset and what type of business you run (service Vs. eCommerce) you can skip certain sections. From A to Z the complete course is at the time of writing this about 15-16 hours long. If you invest 3-5 hours every week you will have no problem going through everything in 30 days.

Once you have gone through everything you can always circle back to certain lessons depending on what you're working on and where you need to invest more learning time.
I'm using Google Ads but i'm not seeing the results I was hoping for, can this course help me?
Let's face it, google ads is super easy to access and they even have you setup a campaign directly in the account creation process. This is made to set you up for failure.

Let me ask you, when did you go to the stock market and throw all your money into a bunch of stocks before doing any research first? I bet you would never do that!

Google Ads is just the same. If you don't know the correct way to research, structure and optimize a campaign you're set up for failure.

This course will teach you everything you need to know to create winning campaigns and how to optimize and run them for long term success.
Couldn't I just do the free Google Ads certification process instead?
While the certification process in Skillshop is a "nice to have" thing, but definitely not a "need to have". The certification process only teaches you the theory about google ads. It teaches you nothing about research, account and campaign structures or how top optimize and scale your campaigns.
How do I get started?
Click the button below to get the course. Once paid you get instant access to the course.
What media format is the course?
The course is 100% video based with clear, in-depth walkthroughs of all concepts, frameworks and strategies. At the time of writing the course consists of more than 12+ sections, 40+ individual lessons and 15+ hours of material. The course is a living thing and it constantly evolves with more and more material added to it.
Do you offer group- or private coaching?
Yes I do. The course is part of Clicksmasters Academy which is my private learning platform. By upgrading your course (more inside the course about this), you can access my coaching community with live group clinics, live chat, discussions and best of all, I have access to your account so that I can provide tailored support for your account and your specific questions.
Is the course material up to date?
Yes, the course is recorded with the new 2023/24 interface that was released for Google Ads. The course itself is a living thing so it's constantly updated to reflect what is currently working.
What do I need to enroll in the course?
To enroll in the course you need an internet connection and preferably a computer. But you can also access it through the community app on your phone.
Who is this course suited for?
This course works for entrepreneurs, marketers, advertisers, freelancers, hobbyists, influencers, side hustlers, business owners, eCommerce businesses wanting more sales and service businesses wanting more calls and leads
I've never used Google Ads before, can I benefit from this course?
Of course. This course help both newcomers and beginners. As well as more seasoned players who have already been running Google Ads for a while but need to sharpen their sword a little more.
Is there a certification on course completion?
Is there a what..? Nope there isn't. Let me tell you why.

A course certification itself will NEVER give you a job or land a client. But learning how to manage a Google Ads account well and generating good results, WILL.
Do you offer management or marketing services for Google Ads?
Yes we do - but we apply ad spend minimums and have limited spots. Should you want to explore how we can help your business, you can reach out to hello@clicksmasters.com and we'll see if you are a good fit for management through a free discovery call.

Don't take My word for it

Here's what my students think