Service Businesses & Contractors: Join My Google Ads Accelerator Workshop For FREE! - Limited Spots

is the Google Ads Accelerator Workshop For Me?

YES! - This workshop is for you, Especially If . . .
You own a service business and looking for a reliable method to generate more leads and sales to ultimately grow the business.
You're looking for a quick and time tested way to to start using Google Ads to generate more leads and calls for your business.
You want a simple and efficient way to manage your own google ads account.
Smaller Businesses needing a cheaper option than hiring an agency to run Google Ads for them.
Larger Businesses wanting more in-house skills so you can do better quality control of the agencies or freelancers you hire to manage Google Ads for you.
You Have An Agency Doing Google Ads but they are recklessly wasting your hard earned money on thin air and not living up to their promise and purpose, which is to generate customers.

What you'll learn during the FREE workshop!


My method for creating High ROI search campaigns

without having to spend weeks and months on trial and error trying to find out what actually works when you want to advertise with Google Ads. Ultimately saving you countless of hours and a lot of money.
The shortcut to success with Google Ads
Eliminate the stress and frustration involved in doing this alone
All the fuzz and technicalities removed and a simple and straightforward approach to learning Google Ads


the REAL reason you’re not making Google Ads work.

. . . and the most overlooked aspect of not just advertising on Google Ads but also Facebook, Youtube, IG, TikTok. . . That causes your advertising to fail time and time again.
Why Google Ads is actually "just a tool" (your agency will never admit this).
It's not high click costs or deep pocket competitors, it's a you problem!
Why you never should pay for traffic before having this fixed.


2 ways to drastically improve your campaign performance

Without having to spend countless hours inside your google Ads account looking at numbers, data & charts. A couple of hours every month is all you need.
Google Ads is all about efficiency, not pulling levers just for fun.
Rely on Google's built in Machine Learning and AI to save you time.


3 key things to check if your agency is ripping you off (happens all the time)

Learn what to look at to see if your agency is actually doing anything to optimize your google ads campaigns for better performance.
Avoid paying for an agency to doesn't deliver
This happens more often than you think.
Why the optimization score doesn't tell the real account performance.

These are the skills you'll possess after the workshop

You'll know how to setup and optimize a high ROI search campaign in Google Ads (without having to spend countless hours on it)
You will have the tools necessary to check if your agency is ripping you off your good money. Because you will know what to look for if they are doing the right things to improve your campaign performance
You'll know what other highyl CRITICAL factor contribute to the success of your advertising other than Google Ads (or any other advertising platform) and what you can do about it.

Meet your teacher

I've managed Google Ads accounts for a better part of a decade soon. I've seen a lot, tried a lot, tested a lot and done some amazing things for other businesses and freelancers.

My Google Ads journey began as part of an earlier career in retail, but switching lanes to run my own business. I decided to use $20,000 of my own money to generate and grow my own business. Which went very well.

So I decided to offer and sell my services to other businesses which quite recently resulted in generating millions worth of proposals for a client in just under 3 months.

So for the last 7 years I've been helping businesses grow and scale using Google Ads. Now in recent times, I've decided to pack my knowledge into an accelerated workshop here to help you get started quickly

I'm certain you will enjoy this workshop ❤️
Johan Carlberger
Head Coach & Founder of Clicksmasters

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